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We develop algorithms for detecting and classifying objects in photos and videos. Our detectors perform at an average speed of 100 frames per second for a 640х480 video stream. Detection accuracy and exhaustiveness depend on the specific task and the required detection speed.
PuzzleLib neural network framework is designed for building, training, and operating neural networks. The framework supports all cutting-edge types of neural networks and utilizes GPU accelerators.
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PuzzleLib Framework
PuzzleLib neural network framework is designed for building, training, and operating neural networks. The framework supports all cutting-edge types of neural networks and utilizes GPU accelerators. The library is available through the majority of operating systems: Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS.
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About Us
Data Lab” company was founded in 2020. What we do: –We develop and sell neural network-based products –We have created our own deep learning framework –We advise businesses and help our clients identify how to benefit from introducing machine learning technologies – We conduct research on unsupervised learning, on Geoffrey Hinton’s capsule networks, and on object tracking in video – We collect and post data for the subsequent creation of neural networks – We create solutions in the field of medical AI